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2019 China Fashion Buyers Conference realizes seamless connection between supply and demand

Date: 2020-03-20 17:17:18 Hits: 4072

On the morning of October 25th, 2019 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 23rd Ningbo International Fashion Festival Sub-forum – 2019 China Fashion Buyers Conference was successfully held. Fu Longcheng, vice president of China Business Federation, Cao Lisheng, party secretary and deputy director of China National Business Information Center, and other guests attended the meeting.

This year's Buyers Conference will maximize the collection of apparel procurement resources, and the number of guests at home and abroad and the number of countries covered will reach new heights. The China National Business Information Center invited 13 members from Beijing Wangfujing Group, New Yansha Group, Shanghai New World, Oriental Commercial Building, Bailian Shopping Center, Hebei Tangbai Group, Anhui Shangzhidu, Wuhan Zhongbai Group and Xi'an Minsheng Group. More than 120 business executives and investment managers in the province attended the conference from clothing, apparel agents, distributors and international buyers from 8 provinces including Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong.

In his speech, Fu Longcheng said that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. The National Day grand celebrations have just been held, which fully demonstrated China’s remarkable achievements in science and technology, economy, culture, people’s life, military and other aspects. The extraordinary course of the Chinese nation from "standing up", "riching up" to "strengthening up" is shocking and inspiring. Over the past 70 years, China has achieved remarkable results in expanding the scale of circulation, prospering the market, improving people's living standards, and improving the consumption structure, including the tremendous contribution of commercial workers and brand manufacturers.

He said that it is an important task of the current circulation industry to continuously meet the needs of the people's better life, achieve high-quality commercial development, and give full play to the basic role of final consumption in economic development and the role of "ballistic stone" and "main engine". The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of circulation and expand consumption. The General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation to Promote Commercial Consumption" and issued 20 policy measures to stabilize consumer expectations and boost consumer confidence. Emphasis on promoting the development of new modes of circulation, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional circulation enterprises, upgrading and upgrading commercial pedestrian streets, accelerating the development of chain convenience stores, optimizing community convenience service facilities, expanding domestic sales channels for export products, meeting the demand for high-quality foreign goods, and enhancing circulation. Effective supply capacity. The central government stressed the need to enhance the people's sense of gain and focus on meeting the needs of the vast number of residents in terms of convenience consumption, quality consumption, automobile consumption, green smart consumption, night consumption, and holiday consumption.

In the new era and the new situation, how can business expand consumption to lead consumption, how to transform and upgrade, improve quality and efficiency, how to innovate and optimize, cultivate brands, and create excellent brands that are comparable to world-famous brands, ensuring basic consumption economy, benefits and safety. On the basis of this, cultivating the mid- to high-end consumer market is the common responsibility and glorious mission of well-known brand manufacturers and retail enterprises.

Fu Longcheng encourages everyone to maintain and run a platform of fashion buyers. We must make full use of this platform, tell the brand story, achieve cooperation and win-win, and make new contributions to the coordinated development of China's retail and apparel industries.

This buyer's conference through the promotion of brand companies, dealer channel release and on-site docking, etc., to achieve seamless integration between supply and demand. At the conference, 5 brands of GIORGIO SALA men's wear, Dan Ke Yun women's wear, women's wear, Bao Beirui children's wear, LIVIN MOMENTO bags were introduced. The relevant person in charge of the brand gave a detailed introduction to the basic information of the brand and other contents of the guests. After the meeting, the guests came to the exhibition hall and made a precise connection with the key brands.

The day before the opening of the sub-forum, the participants of the conference also participated in the opening ceremony of the 2019 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 23rd Ningbo International Fashion Festival, and attended the fashion conference. The guests not only listened to the wonderful sharing of industry experts, but also explored the new trends in fashion and market development, creating a broader space for the development of their respective companies.